当前位置:首页>最新活动> 中欧科创集团在罗斯伯爵城堡种下“欧洲加油”友谊之树


时间:2020-09-04 15:27:37  点击数:7462


All humanity needs to fight with the novel coronavirus.


On March 11, due to the collapse of Italian healthcare system, the death rate of the novel coronavirus soared to 6.6%. Italy urgently asked China for help. China dispatched a experts team to Italy overnight. The relation between China and EU is comprehensive strategic partnership. Meanwhile, China and EU are two important forces for maintaining stability of the world. China-EU mutual assistance is to not only make unremitting efforts to deepen the four major China-EU partnerships which contain peace, growth, reform and civilization, but also contribute to human health.


SETIG is also active into the action. Recently, it has delivered 3 batches of anti-epidemic materials for more than 20 companies in UK and Italy.


SETIG aims to call on everyone to respect nature and science, and raise awareness of environmental protection through obtaining the public tree.



罗斯伯爵城堡园林被誉为“冠军植物园”,点缀着2000多种稀有罕见的树木和灌木,其中1500种来自中国,并种植在“小云南”。城堡建造的一架口径1.8米,重达10吨的望远镜(The Great Telescope),是当时世界上最大和倍率最高的望远镜,第一次观测到旋涡星系。


Xiang Jian, CEO of SETIG, thinks that companies take an important role in international communication. SETIG has delivered anti-epidemic materials to Party A and Party B, as well as friends who are concerned about SETIG and fight in the frontline of the epidemic. At this moment, entrepreneurs are about not only business, but also friendship. We are all community and fight with the epidemic hand in hand. Its also a good opportunity to eliminate cultural misunderstanding and enhance economic sincere cooperation. Everyone can really feel the link!


SETIG sincerely hopes that more Chinese enterprises can pay attention to Europe, do some help to the anti-epidemic work in Europe, and become an enterprise with a strong sense of responsibility.

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